What is TAG?
The Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (VTAG) program provides annual grants to Virginia residents who are full-time students at an eligible private non-profit college or university for other than religious training or theological education. Students do not have to pay VTAG back, demonstrate financial need, or file a financial statement of financial aid application such as FAFSA.
Established in 1972, the VTAG program required General Assembly action and a constitutional amendment which was approved by a state-wide referendum. It is authorized in Chapter 4.1 Section 23-38.11 through 18 of the Code of Virginia as the Tuition Assistance Grant Act, and is administrated by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).
CICV is proud to have played an instrumental role in starting this program, and now coordinates the advocacy of Virginia’s independent colleges for increased funding for TAG and other programs assisting students at independent colleges.
How much is awarded annually?
In 2024-25, Virginia residents undergraduate students will receive a non-need based tuition grant of $5,125. In 2025-26, the award is expected to be $5,250. Graduate students enrolled in health professions programs receive $5,000.
The award amount is based on the number of eligible students and the amount of funds appropriated by the General Assembly. Awards are automatically renewed provided the student continues to meet eligibility requirements and has not exceeded the maximum number of years of eligibility.
A smaller award is available for students enrolled in an online education or distance learning program.
How do students apply?
Here you’ll find the paper 2024-2025 TAG Application. The initial application deadline is annually September 15. Once you have decided what institution to attend, complete and submit the TAG Application to your institution’s financial aid office.
If you are applying to:
Bridgewater College
Mary Baldwin University
Emory & Henry University
Ferrum College
Randolph College
Roanoke College
Shenandoah University
Southern Virginia University
you may use either the paper application or this electronic submission form.
By fall of 2025, it is hoped that the remainder of the institutions will be set up to take advantage of the electronic form as well.
Can I donate to the program privately?
Virginia law allows taxpayers to voluntarily donate all or part of their income tax refund to one or more qualified organizations, including the VTAG program. You may also send your contributions directly to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).
Who has the VTAG program helped?
VTAG is celebrating over 50 years of making a college education more affordable for over 185,000 Virginians, including many low- and middle-income families. Private colleges continue to serve a wide variety of Virginia students in terms of academic ability and socio-economic profile.